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D.M.S.M. - Diploma Monumenti San Michele

(es: SM0001)

(without Award; es: DAI-CP0650 write cp0650 or 0650 or cp0, DMVE MVAS-0753 write 0753 or MVAS (no '-' or '_' char))
(max 2 word separated with a space; es: EGLISE DE SAINT MICHEL DE LA GARDE - ADHEMAR write EGLISE GARDE)
(several city are not the code)
(max 2 word separated with a space; es: BUSTO ARSIZIO)
(max 2 word separated with a space; es.REGION ILE-DE-FRANCE write ILE FRANCE; you can search also province 'AND' region, two words: first word province and second word region. Es: 'NA CAMPANIA')
(es: JN70BV or JN70B or JN70)
  INFO: you can use combination of more fields together; the results will be all the records that contain the combination of the entered data.
Do not use apices and apostrophes or other special chars: ERMITA DE S. MIQUEL DE L'ARN search ERMITA ARN.
To search for the country, use the REFERENCE page and select your country on menu above.